Through Global Citizenship Education a child is a member of a family, a community and the world. It is important that schools integrate human education as integral part of their Broader, Bolder education for the 21st Century, an education which is capable of saving humanity through Global Citizenship Education
The ground new education has to cover is vast. For example, teachers today are increasingly more fearful of their students and schools have to frisk children through security for weapons before they can enter schools. Another disturbing factor is growing criminality, prejudice and hatred in younger and younger children. From Littleton, Colorado, to Sarajevo and Bosnia, what has gone wrong? The perpetrators were innocent children not long ago.
Child to Child, Heart to Heart for Global Citizenship Education
Children need to learn not only how to work with each other. They tolerate the other but also feel a deeper emotion of love for the other, habits, culture and tradition. The present form of multi-cultural education focuses on the 4 Fs: Food, Festivals, Flags and Fabrics of different countries and cultures. While it creates knowledge of the other, multi-cultural education in its most prevalent form provides often a limited understanding of human diversity and its richness. Even coexistence cannot be taught unless diversity is experienced, acknowledged and appreciated. Such programs, though valuable, are not a sufficient antidote to the intolerance for difference we face today. They are not sufficient to immunize a child, for example, against the kind of crimes that took place not long ago in Littleton and Kosovo. The perpetrators were little children not long ago who played together and who often went to the same school.
Events for Principals and Decision Makers
- Evolving Effective Teaching Methods, International Conference of Pre-Primary and Primary Principals, Jai-Jagat! Building, CMS, Quality Assurance Department.
- Creating world citizens through International Conference on Global Trends and Innovations in Education – GLOBAL TIE, Rajajipuram Campus , Friendship Building.
- Changing the direction of education through Ed Leadership – An International Roundtable for Educators Worldwide, Jai-Jagat! Building, CMS Innovation Wing